About this blog


The substitution of a word referring to an attribute for the thing that is meant, as for example the use of the crown to refer to a monarch.

From Greek autonomia freedom to live by one's own laws.

Metonymy Autonomy.  Two words that probably shouldn't go together because they don't make grammatical sense but do, however, rhyme. Always good for a snappy blog title. 

Autonomy (by my own definition) is the freedom to argue and/or rebel against unwritten societal laws. 
Example: Larger ladies must wear clothes that have clearly been designed by a blind octoganarian potato sack/kaftan maker from the 1960's. 

Basically this blog will be a summation of brainfarts that have been heavily influenced by being pissed off with things, being an extreme fangirl and watching too much Eddie Izzard. 

Oh wait.... you can never watch too much Eddie Izzard....

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